Monday, October 17, 2011

Would You Hire This Missionary?

I blogged about this once before on my old blog, but recently ran across this note again.  Our son, back in 5th grade, had an AWANA assignment to write a letter asking to be a missionary and explaining his qualifications for the job.

Here is that kid's letter, verbatim:

I think that I would make an adequate missionary.  I do well at persevering but to be honest I still might back out.  I do posses the fruit of the light and of the spirit, I believe.  I believe that I can pursue problems until the very end.
I have some cons too.  I will get angry on a normal bad day.  I also am normally optimistic but I do have those days.  I am interested in most things and am practically a mathematic genius. (Not to brag.)  
I hope you take me into minor consideration. ( I am not sure I want to be a missionary.)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Why Read History?

Why read history?

History interests me for many reasons, not the least of which is that I am a gossip.  Reading history is an honored way for a good Christian woman to receive gossip with the gloss of academia and acceptability applied.  There are other reasons, but the most honest one is that I'm nosy busybody not content to know merely what my contemporaries are thinking and doing.  I want to know what all people, everywhere, at all times were up to.  And why.

This evening, I began Andrew Jackson v. Henry Clay:  Democracy and Development in Antebellum America by Harry L. Watson.  This girl knows how to have fun on a Friday night, hunh?

I'm only a few pages in and it's the type of book best read with highlighter in hand.  Thoughts of inflicting it on unsuspecting home schooled teenagers begin to surface.  Visions of essay questions dance in my head.

Tea parties and Wall St. Occupiers are so 1831.  Don't think so?  Take it from my dear Watson:

Jackson and his supporters tended to think that the growing wealth and power of the business community might erode the equality and independence of ordinary citizens.

Sound familiar?  How 'bout this:

Henry Clay and his followers often wondered if strict deference to the uninformed opinions of ordinary voters might somehow undermine the businesses that generated U.S. prosperity.

What do you think we've learned in the ensuing 180 years?

How well do you think most folks know their history?
