Monday, September 6, 2010

Bulk Eating

We eat in bulk here.  If you have a teenager, particularly if you have a teenage boy, you know what I mean.

I have two teenage boys.

This inexpensive lentils and rice recipe gives nutritious bulk to our meals.  We even had just a smidgen left over when I served it as a side dish at lunch.  I like that the recipe is easy and simple and if you want to give it some pizazz, you could serve it with salsa.  If you double it, you could throw the leftovers into your next pot of chicken soup or use the extra in tortillas with cheese on top.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Duh Moment

Every so often I read something that is so obvious, I wonder why I didn't think
of it before.

Yesterday, I read that as kids move into high school, they should make their own
appointments--drs, dentists, etc. Give them the family calendar, remind them
that they can't be in two places at one time and let them have at it.


I have such a tendency to infantilize my kids, often doing for them what
they are perfectly capable of doing for themselves. I fight this tendency all
the time.

So, I flipped the 15 year old the phone with some possible dates and an overview of what to
say and set him loose on the admissions tour lady of the college he's taking
Calc at this fall. And he politely and competently set up a campus tour for
himself (and us).

He was so pleased with himself when he got off the phone! For parents of
extroverts, this little vignette is completely unremarkable, but it's another
step toward competence and independence that can be intimidating for introverted
kids. The beloved firstborn himself commented that making the call "made him feel powerful."


Guess who I intend to have greet the receptionist and state our purpose tomorrow
when we arrive for our tour?


Blessings, Holly