Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Let the HateFest Begin!

No one is ever going to hate me for being too rich or too thin, so I must find some other way to stoke my ego beast.

This should do it.

Let it be said, that on this day, November 18, 2010, with the exception of two presents (one on rain check, one we are still mulling), and a couple o' stocking stuffers and gift cards, I am done with Christmas shopping. 

Not only that, but my holiday cards are ordered.

My presents are wrapped, labelled and hidden away.  Stocking stuffers are in bags labelled by child and stored in one yet larger bag.

Did I mention that I chose a different wrapping paper for each child, and wrapped every present of theirs in that paper?  On Christmas morning, we will be able to tell at a glance to whom each present belongs and be able to dole them out in a balanced rotation.

I thought you all would want to know.  



  1. I don't hate you, I just think you're very strange...

  2. lol, that's ok, I think I'm pretty strange too. But since my only two strengths are that I can roller skate well and I can organize really well, it limits what I can actually brag about on my blog!

  3. You were bragging? I thought you were confessing!


    I can say I'm done too, but only because we don't really exchange gifts...

  4. wow, you out-earlied me, and that is very hard to do.... I have a few gifts bought but that is it.....
    Is your turkey in the oven yet?
